For instance, "S a Luis" (I know Luis) is commonly heard. It makes sense, because sometimes having an information is similar to being familiar with something. He is our fathers friend). For example, saying "Yo s a Juan" instead of "Yo conoc a Juan". We know the president of the United States. (conocer) You found out something you did not know before (in the past). To say you know something from memory/by heart, use saberse. 3) Mis amigos te conocen .My friends know you. Mara sabe los verbos irregulares. In this context, saber can be translated as to taste, to have a taste, or to have a flavor. Study the entries and answer the questions that follow. If you "have something," you would use tener. Mis abuelos se conocieron en Espaa. Luca knows how to speak English fluently. Fill the gaps choosing between saber and conocer: 1) Ana sabe bailar flamenco. How am I supposed to know. Muchas gracias por ser un parte de nuestro comunidad Phillip! Here are some tips to help you use these verbs correctly: When it comes to choosing between the Spanish verbs saber and conocer, context is key. The first one (using conocer ), refers to wanting to find out the truth and the second one (using saber) refers to wanting to know something for a fact. l sabe el final de la pelcula.l conoce el final de la pelcula.Both mean He knows the ending of the movie. (. Take Note: For the first persona singular (Yo), saber always has an accent mark. Complete each sentence with the preterite tense of the verb in parentheses. I met your neighbor the last time I came to visit you. Saber conjugated in the preterite can mean found out, and conocer conjugated in the preterite can translate as met. We use saber when we want to say we have knowledge of something or of a particular fact. 3) Mis amigos te conocen . One common use of saber is in the phrase "No s" (I don't know), which is often used to politely decline to answer a question or to express uncertainty. If youve ever travelled to Spain, or read up on Spanish history, then youll have come across Isabella and Ferdinand. (Do you know this restaurant?). -I dont know this neighborhood well, I think we should ask someone for directions. ), Conozco a Juan desde la infancia. Special Promotion on our Online Group and Individual Classes! (2023, April 5). Conocen el Lago de Chapala? Two different Spanish words that translate the same way but are used in quite different contexts. Another common mistake people make is using conocer to talk about knowledge. Explanation: Saber is used to talk about knowledge, skills, or facts. Youll also get my Spanish Learners Roadmap, showing you the exact Spanish language topics to learn. ), Ellos conocen a mi familia. Generally, you are already familiar with a certain person or place. As in English, there are verbs that sometimes have the same meaning, but are used differently depending on the context of the sentence. [Conocer conjugated] + (determiner) + [place]. Tacos tasted very good. She didn't tell us what we wanted to know. Did you hear about the concert cancellation? Ella conoce a los chicos. Conoceremos el museo ms famoso de la ciudad el fin de semana que viene. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. SpanishDict is the world's most popular Spanish-English dictionary, translation, and learning website. Su programa de investigacin debe verse influido por ste Qu queremos saber, qu podemos saber y quin puede saber qu? Glad you found the article helpful, Kristine. Its also important to know that using a translator to try and differentiate between the verbs saber and conocer will only add to your confusion. We will call it personal a. Erichsen, Gerald. Manage Settings Below, well explore these uses more in-depth and the formulas you can use to build your own sentences. We are worried about her. Here are a few good ones to know! Do you guys know Chapala Lake? Sabes a quin le han dado la plaza de auxiliar? Don't worry, you're not alone. (they have that skill) 5) Nosotros sabemos por qu las plantas son verdes. Saber ("to know") vs. saber ("to taste") As we've mentioned before, saber as a verb has two meanings. For example, saying "Yo s a Juan" instead of "Yo conozco a Juan". -Yo s que t sabes leer, de lo contrario no podras entender este artculo. 2. You want to express that you "know" a person. The first person present indicative s doesnt follow any pattern when it comes conjugating this verb, which makes it tricky to remember. que hoy es el cumpleaos de Juan? For example, Estamos en el cafe, means, "We are in the cafe." Te acuerdas de cmo nos conocimos?Do you remember how we met? Conocer is used to express that you know a person or a place. Learn how your comment data is processed. This allows us to distinguish between s (verb saber) and the pronoun se. Espaol: Cmo os conocisteis? Conocer, on the other hand, is often translated as "to be familiar with" or "to know (someone or something)." 1242 | CONTACT, Copyright 2009-2022 Vamos Spanish Academy | GDPR Privacy Policy | Privacy Policy | Terms, 10-hr weekly group classes - ONLY AT $99/WEEK, Personalized one-on-one classes - ONLY AT $20/HR. Poder (can/to be able to) Mistake: Yo puedo tocar la guitarra. Practice using these verbs in context to reinforce your understanding of their meanings. We wouldn't know how to live without clocks! To express an ability to do something, use saber plus an infinitive. So far, youve learned that saber means to know, and it expresses a persons knowledge. 5, 2023, So far, we have referred to each verb in the infinitive form, indicated by the -er endings. ), Sabis cundo empieza la pelcula? Do you know Marta, who lives in the flat below? He knows New York City like the back of his hand. For instance, "S cocinar" (I know how to cook) and "Conozco la ciudad" (I know the city) are both correct. No supe que estaba cerrado el museo hasta llegar ah. Patty s. Conocer is used to express familiarity or acquaintance with a person, place, or thing. For example, in English, we might say, "I have been to the grocery store." He knows who the best player of HH is (Information). Did you know that there is a board in front of you with the schedules of all the movies? We will visit the citys most famous museum next weekend. a mi abuelo? During the day Im a freelancer and online marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. The slides that follow contain additional practice. A good mnemonic to remember estar is another acronym: PLACE, which stands for position, location, action, condition, and emotion. As you know, the Spanish language has a lot of different ways to express things happening in the past, and in the preterite, there are some Spanish verbs that have a very obvious meaning change to native speakers. The soup tastes very good. In Spanish, both 'saber' and 'conocer' can be translated as 'to know '. Mara sabe conducir. Well, saber vs conocer are also a bit tricky for non-native Spanish learners. I would therefore like to know what is happening. But also, try to speak with Spanish natives to hear this verb being used to round out your knowledge and get used to hearing the verb in different contexts. (accessed May 1, 2023). Cundo es la Velada del ao 3 de Ibai? -I dont know how to drive, I have to learn. Esto es lo que debes saber. Spanish action verbs are the type of verbs we use to talk about events, actions, and activities. The two verbs have different meanings. -She doesnt know the capital of Indiana. (sabemos / conocemos), Ellos ________ el camino hacia la playa. However, it is not something you should overly concern yourself with. "The limits of my language mean the limits of my world.". So, if you want to conjugate the verbs saber and conocer in the present tense, take a look at the following table to help you: And, did you notice if youre studying at a beginner level, that the verb saber takes the irregular form in the present tense? In the negative form it's used to express ignorance. Sabemos que has hecho un gran trabajo en esta empresa. With that in mind, in this guide, well go Spanish Adjectives 101: Adjective Placement in Spanish. Qu vs Cul In Spanish: How Are They Different? I would like to know whether this is the case. Copyright 2022 -, Inspiron vs Xps: Common Misconceptions and Accurate Usage, Cardioversion vs Ablation: Meaning And Differences. (you have that skill), Yo conozco a Mara.I know Mara. So, the conjugation in the Present Tense goes as follows: Eu sei Tu sabes Ele/ Ela/ Voc sabe Ns sabemos Vocs sabem Eles/ Elas sabem As you can see, it is very irregular. I would welcome your opinion on this matter. Ready to learn more about other tricky words in Spanish? Conocemos los riesgos de viajar en invierno. Ellos saben tocar guitarra. Conozco el museo. Cmo saben las galletas?How do the cookies taste? He's one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. (s / conozco), ________ ustedes a la profesora de espaol? ), Sabes dnde est la biblioteca? I know Juan. Here are some examples: Notice that saber is used to express knowledge of a fact or how to do something. In the preterite, both saber and conocer can have other meanings. Correction: He conocido a tu prima Silvia esta maana. Do you know who has been given the assistant position? -He knows how to cook the best empanadas but he doesnt know how to treat people. Continue with Recommended Cookies. A unique use of saber in Spanish is to talk about your skills and the things youre able to do. saber (lang: sp) The Sentence Maker allows you to enter a word or phrase in the text box below and retrieve translated sentence pairs (English and Spanish) containing that word/phrase. Pablo is a child. This cake tastes weird. As you can imagine, this can be applied to a wide range of situations. On top of understanding how saber works, you should also learn some basic idioms with this verb that can help you sound more natural. Erichsen, Gerald. l _____ cmo usar el mouse, el teclado y la impresora. (she has that skill). (sabes / conoces), Nosotros ________ la ciudad muy bien. Do you who the first president of the United States was? Conocemos bien Boston. But dont stop there! ", Saber can mean "to have flavor," as in sabe bien, which means "it tastes good.". Get my exclusive Spanish content delivered straight to your inbox. Saber is used to talk about facts or learned skills. All the flashcards have text, images, explanations, and audio. Mama prefiere ____ (pasar) las vacaciones en la playa. Espaol: Cundo nos conocimos? I always wanted to know more about beekeeping. "Convertirse," "Hacerse," "Volverse," and "Ponerse". Saber refers to knowledge of facts or information, while conocer relates to familiarity with people, places, or things. One common use of saber is in the phrase No s (I dont know), which is often used to politely decline to answer a question or to express uncertainty. Julia y yo conocemos Londres y las afueras muy bien. This section of the lesson on saber vs conocer is about seeing the verbs used in sentences. Saber is used to talk about facts, skills and abilities. (for the first time). Quisiera saber realmente qu palabrera es sta. Mi ta conoci Pars en 1990. (for the first time), T conociste a mis amigos el ao pasado.You met my friends last year. S s dnde est el museoI know where the museum is. Era un hombre muy sabio. ), Conocemos bien la ciudad. Work diligently with your tutor and dont forget to have fun with it! Sabes esta cancin?Do you know this song? No conozco este restaurante. (Knowledge is power). She knows that there is a quiz tomorrow. Translate the following sentences into Spanish: Fill in the blanks with the correct form of saber or conocer: By practicing with these exercises, you'll be able to confidently use saber and conocer in your conversations and writing. My friends know you. This tool is great for seeing how words are used in a natural context. Sabis quin va a casarse el ao que viene? For example, saying "Yo conozco hablar espaol" instead of "Yo s hablar espaol". Correction: Yo s tocar la guitarra. 2) No conozco este pueblo.I dont know this town. Conocer refers to knowing people or places. Parts of the Human Body in Spanish Vocabulary, The Parts of the Kitchen in Spanish Vocabulary, From Crisis to Controversy: The Kirchners Impact on Argentina, To be familiar with, to have met or experienced. Would you all know to tell me how to fix it? Conoc a tu vecino la ltima vez que vine de visita. Quin era? You all know that song (You have heard the song, but you don't really know it by heart), They know my brother (My brother is their friend), They know my father (they are my father's friend), Ustedes conocen la Universidad de Oklahoma, You all know the University of Oklahoma. Because they share the same translation, grasping the difference between saber vs conocer can be challenging. From students and tourists to doctors and soldiers whove moved and visited here over the years. But, example #2 expresses that Im familiar with that particular museum because Ive visited or seen it before. (saben / conocen), Yo ________ que hoy es mircoles. I dont know what street this is. I didnt know the museum was closed until I got there. But if you want to say "I know Maria," you would use conocer: "Conozco a Maria.". Saber is a regular verb that is conjugated in the present tense as follows: Saber is often used with infinitives to express knowledge of how to do something. I have been learning languages for over 20+ years and I was always frustrated with books, courses, and classes that I had tried. (We dont know the new neighbors. It is not used to express familiarity with a person or place. Conoceremos a nuestros nuevos vecinos maana. No conocemos esta fruta.We dont know this fruit. A. alma mater B. matron C. matrimony D. microprocessor E. micrometer F. automatic. I dont know her. COCO stands for Connections, Origins, Characteristics, and Ongoing relationships, which are all things that use conocer. And here are some examples of the participle being used to help you practice: De haberlo sabido no habra ningun problema. Samuel went to sleep early. During the day Im a freelancer and marketer, while at night Im here writing for students of the world wide web looking to learn Spanish. Hola! Below is a table with the basic conjugations of conocer. I'm an Applied Linguistics graduate, teacher and translator with a passion for language learning (especially Arabic). For this reason, the difficulty weve referred to in the opening paragraph about distinguishing between ser and estar also applies to saber and conocer. Conoc a mi novia en una fiesta de cumpleaos. -Sabas que la cabeza humana pesa ocho libras? I dont know any Alberto, sorry. I bet you have! To know, to be acquainted with (people and places), he knows the restaurant (he has eaten there), She knows Enrique Iglesias (She has talked to Enrique Iglesias), You know New York (You leaved in New York for three years), Nosotros conocemos al presidente de los Estados Unidos. Well, this is one of those moments. Usted sabe quin fue el primer presidente de los Estados Unidos? (I can cook.). Here are the conjugations of conocer in the present indicative. Yo a Juan. A few months ago, I found out that I was pregnant. In short, theyre pivotal for your conversations. (information). As with any language, mastering Spanish grammar and vocabulary takes time and practice. In Spanish, we use conocer when talking about knowing or being familiar with places, such as cities, museums, countries, etc. For example, if you want to say "I know how to swim," you would use saber: "S nadar." However, this can only be done if everyone understands who youre talking about. My aunt visited Paris in 1990. This will really help you when it comes to speaking more fluently and using these verbs for any subject. It explains it so very well! Copyright Curiosity Media, Inc., a division of IXL Learning All Rights Reserved. Sprain vs Strain: Similarities, Differences, and Proper Use, Parameter vs Statistic: Deciding Between Similar Terms. Conocer, on the other hand, is used to express familiarity or acquaintance with a person, place, or thing. Although this use is not conflicting with conocer, you should still know that saber can be used to talk about the taste or flavor of something. Saber is used in the context of knowing information or ideas. (I know someone who works for that company.). It is the best way to memorize what you learn, you can personalize your progression because it adapts to your actions, and all flashcards have audio to improve your hearing and pronunciation. Each student receives a worksheet, and each group . This page is powered by the Spanish Sentences Builder. Explanation: Conocer is used to talk about people, places, or things you are familiar with. There is a subtle difference in the meaning of each of those two sentences. Los tacos les supieron a gloria. Take this short Quiz about saber vs. conocer: Complete the conjugations of saber and conocer in Present Tense with the missing forms. I met my boyfriend at a soccer game. It is often used to indicate knowledge of a particular subject or topic. Youre going to need to practice using them in different contexts. Maria knows the irregular verbs (by heart). Creo que no te conoce. START TODAY! You know nothing, Jon Snow. Present vs Present: Which One Is The Correct One? The verb saber is used for two main reasons: 1. To express knowledge or ignorance of a skill, or how to do something, use saber + infinitive. How To Use The 3 Main Future Tenses In Spanish (Easy Guide), How To Say Sorry In French (7 Key Phrases For Apologizing). Fernando knows all of Europe. However, these changes only happen for the first person (yo) in the present indicative and present subjunctive tenses. These two verbs can be tricky, but with a little guidance, you'll be using them correctly in no time. I don't know how to swim very well. Let's take a look at what we learned one last time and at the end I've made sure to give a few more saber vs. conocer examples to make sure you've grasped what's been taught. -No conozco este barrio muy bien, creo que debemos pedir direcciones a alguien. Both ser and estar mean "to be." To avoid making these common mistakes, it's important to understand the differences between saber and conocer. Tener is used mostly as an active verb. Remember that saber is used to express knowledge of a fact or how to do something, while conocer is used to express familiarity with a person, place, or thing. If you're not sure which verb to use, think about whether you're talking about knowledge or familiarity. We must also know 'why'. (are you familiar with me? I have to call Maria. And translate conocer as follows: to be acquainted/familiar with, to meet, and to have been to. Conoces a mi prima? You can also use saber to talk about skills and abilities. Example Sentences on Saber vs Conocer This section of the lesson onsaber vs conocer is about seeing the verbs used in sentences. You have the wrong number. Soy Daniela Sanchez, Ive taught Spanish in Mexico to a wide array of foreigners. As youll learn later, we dont use the verb conocer when referring to phone numbers. Pregntale a Claire si sabe dnde est la plaza. where a kind-of-interchangeability may occur, and that is when talking about abstract ideas. Saba Ud. He says that he doesn't know why they are painting. Do you know her phone number? An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. -l sabe cocinar las mejores empanadas pero no sabe tratar a la gente. I hope you find what youre looking for here during your journey into Espaol . Now that you've learned the main differences between saber and conocer, here are some additional uses you should keep in mind when using these verbs. Es rico. Sabr la respuesta a tu pregunta en unos minutos. Vosotros conocis esa cancin You all know that song (You have heard the song, but you don't really know it by heart) Ellas conocen a mi hermano They know my brother (My brother is their friend) Ellos conocen a mi padre They know my father (they are my father's friend) Ustedes conocen la Universidad de Oklahoma Conoces el nmero de Nancy?Do you know Nancys phone number? Sabes cundo es el concierto?Do you know when the concert is? ), No conocemos a los vecinos nuevos. It is important to understand the nuances of each verb in order to use them correctly and convey your intended meaning. The italicized words in each numbered item below appear in "The American Idea." However, in Spanish this verb is translated as two different verbs: saber and conocer. You guys didn't know how to convince her. (Ive known Juan since childhood. The English verb "to look" can be expressed in most cases interchangeably by the verb mirar or ver in Spanish when you want to say "to look at" or "to watch." Examples include Yo soy Maria, for "I am Maria," or Hoy es Martes, for "Today is Tuesday. En la universidad conoc a mucha gente interesante. Transitive verbs are verbs which need to be placed near to an object to make sense. SPANISH CLASSES: BEGINNER TO ADVANCE. It's delicious. Or, Estoy triste, which means, "I am sad.". Samuel se durmi temprano. However, I also created courses that are much more comprehensive and in-depth. Language: Yo no s cmo se llama. Knowing when to use saber and when to use conocer is no simple task. With this meaning, you should also get familiar with the Spanish reciprocal verb conocerse, which allows you to express that two or more people met each other. After delving into the intricacies of saber vs conocer, it is clear that these two verbs are not interchangeable. (They are students at OU). Regarding conocer, it might be easier to think about it as translating into "to be familiar with," "to get to know," or "to meet/have met.". Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Let's establish which of the two is the proper word to use in a given situation. Sally no conoce a sus cuadas.Sally doesnt know her sisters-in-law. This is a fun way to help students review saber, conocer, plus other vocabulary words from the Realidades 1B chapter for Spanish two. You will also get a free copy of our graphical overview of all French Verb Tenses, and the Spanish A0/A1 Anki Deck! Saber is used to describe learned abilities, such as knowing how to play a musical instrument. Some images used in this set are licensed under the Creative Commons through to see the original works with their full license. The more he studies, the more he will know. This use is appropriate when finding news about your friends or any other topic. ThoughtCo. Conoces este restaurante? "The Difference Between Spanish Verbs "Saber" and "Conocer"." I don't know what it's called. Conocemos bien la ciudad. Also, follow up with a Spanish course or app for learning Spanish to reinforce what youve learned. Saber refers to knowledge of facts or information. ( It tastes like fish.) Like with ser and estar, there is a mnemonic device to help remember the differences between saber and conocer. I heard that you married Joe. Mi abuelo conoca Madrid y le gustaba pasear por la cuidad. (s / conozco), l ________ muchas cosas interesantes. "No saber nada" (to not know anything) is a common expression that uses saber instead of conocer. He is our fathers friend). In university, I met a lot of interesting people. When you use saber like this, it generally will be followed by an infinitive (full verb). You might have come across other similar Spanish verbs like ser and estar, or haber and tener and found them tricky to distinguish between. You will also finda Quiz and Exercisesto practice. Conocer (to know) is used to express that you know a person or a place. Aunque sepa los caminos yo nunca llegar Crdoba. However, it is used to express familiarity or acquaintance with a person, place, or thing. -They dont know that we know that they know that we know. La gente saba hacer fuego hace mucho tiempo. 415 | Learn Spanish with Music [7 Latin Artists], 414 | 10 Spanish Filler Words (How to Sound More Natural), 413 | Advanced Spanish Practice: Reported Speech (Estilo Indirecto). Dont miss out register for free and start learning! COCO stands for Connections, Origins, Characteristics, and Ongoing relationships, which are all things that use conocer. Thanks for reading Dolores and hope you learned something new! I will meet the companys president at the gala dinner. Saber, on the other hand, is used to talk about knowledge, skills, or facts. At the end of every lesson, you can do a small quiz. instead of "Conoces a Juan?". -I know Buenos Aires but I dont know the rest of Argentina. But read on for a detailed explanation with examples. usted dnde est? Conoces a Brad Pitt?Do you know Brad Pitt? (I know how to play the piano. It should not be used to talk about people. There are two verbs in Spanish for to know: Knowing which one to use can be confusing. By keeping these key takeaways in mind, you can improve your Spanish language skills and communicate more effectively with Spanish speakers. No sabes nada, Jon Snow. -Sabes usar tu imaginacin para inventarle un final a la historia? Saber is used to express knowledge or information about a fact or skill, while conocer is used to express familiarity with a person, place, or thing. La conoces?Who was that? I know how to cook. We're good friends. Gerald Erichsen is a Spanish language expert who has created Spanish lessons for ThoughtCo since 1998. Included in this resource are 3 practice pages and 3 pages of answer sheets. Sabrs si pasaste el examen maana por la tarde. How To Use Conocer In A Sentence Conocer is used to express familiarity or acquaintance with a person, place, or thing. Supiste de la cancelacin del concierto? Haber is mostly used as a helping verb in Spanish. Two Verbs Meaning To Be: Ser and Estar, A Step-By-Step Conjugation of Simple Past-Tense Verbs in Spanish, Conjugation of the Spanish Conocer and Similar Verbs, Spanish Verbs Followed by De and an Infinitive, Conjugating Spanish Verbs in the Conditional Tense, Translating To Be to Spanish When Referring to Location. Juan no sabe por qu ha dicho eso. You can redo the quiz as many times as you want! Conocer is used in the context of knowing a person or a place. In some contexts, it also can mean "to recognize," although there also is a verb, reconocer, that means "to recognize. We use conocer when we want to say we know someone or who someone is (such as our best friends). (He knows how to play the guitar. For example: Conocer is a Spanish verb that also means "to know". For example, S hablar espaol (I know how to speak Spanish) uses saber because it expresses knowledge, while Conozco a Mara (I know Mara) uses conocer because it expresses familiarity with a person. En mi opinin, todo saba a mucha sal. (We know the city well.) I should like to know which rule I do not respect. To help with this, youll need to practice conjugating this verb with Spanish verb exercises the more the better. I dont know your mom but I know your dad. I would like to know what the point of that is. It is often used to indicate personal experience or recognition. Catalina knows how to speak French and Portuguese. Yesterday, I found out that I got accepted into university. The root aut means "self". English: They met each other in 1991 and have been in love ever since. Here are some examples: Yo conozco a Mara. a Spanish speaker can say either Quieres ver el partido? We use saber followed by a verb in the infinitive form when we want to mention that we have a particular aptitude or ability. As a result, conocer lets you convey that youre familiar or acquainted with people, places, and things. They dont know how to assemble the shelf. Once youve got the hang of the main differences, start speaking with Spanish natives (see italki) and see whether you can use each verb in the right context. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Thank you that was helpful! Do you know if the bus to Cdiz passes through here? -Ellos no saben que nosotros sabemos que ellos saben que nosotros sabemos. I will meet my future husband at university. Learn the different contexts in which to use conocer and saber with Lingolia's quick and easy examples, then put your knowledge to the test in the exercises. My grandparents met in Spain. The root micro means "small." many : few :: successive : (a) logical (b) interrupted (c) finished. Ayer supe que me aceptaron en la universidad. When using conocer in this context, youre not referring to the location of that place. No te conoca! Given that they allow you to talk about the things, places, or people you know, these Spanish verbs are essential for your communication. Theyre a good idea if youre just beginning to learn Spanish and want to build your confidence. Using saber to talk about meeting someone is also a common mistake. Learning Spanish is simpler online. I dont know anything about math. -Mike no conoce el nuevo centro comercial. I would really like to know what kind of nonsense this is? La Velada del ao 3 de Ibai ser el sbado 1 de julio de 2023, segn lo confirm Llanos en sus redes sociales. (I have that skill), T sabes cocinar.You can cook. First, lets review the conjugations of these verbs in Present Tense: The following table shows the different meanings of saber and conocer.

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sentences with conocer and saber